Python configuration file: Any file format recommendation? INI format still appropriate? Seems quite old school

Solution 1:

Consider using plain Python files as configuration files.

An example (

# use normal python comments

value1 = 32
value2 = "A string value"

value3 = ["lists", "are", "handy"]
value4 = {"and": "so", "are": "dictionaries"}

In your program, load the config file using exec (docs):

from pathlib import Path

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config = {}
    exec(Path("").read_text(encoding="utf8"), {}, config)

I like this approach, for the following reasons:

  • In the simple case, the format is as easy to author as an INI-style config file. It also shares an important characteristic with INI files: it is very suitable for version control (this is less true for XML and maybe also for JSON)
  • I like the flexibility that comes with having the config file in an actual programming language.

The approach is widely used, a few examples:

  • A Django site's settings lives inside Django does not use execfile, it uses import to read/execute AFAIK, but the end result is the same: the code inside the settings file is executed.
  • The bash shell reads and executes ~/.bashrc on startup.
  • The Python interpreter imports on startup.

Solution 2:

INI is till totally OK and as other said, the format of your config file really depends from how you are going to use it.

Personally I am a fan of YAML: concise, readable, flexible.

Google seems to share my enthusiasm, as they use it too in the Google App Engine. The python parser is here.