How do I paste into DOSBOX?

Solution 1:

If it's something that you can run every time you launch DOSBox, you could paste it into the DOSBOX configuration at the very end in the [autoexec] section:

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
# You can put your MOUNT lines here.

Solution 2:

There is already a solution for this by now. Try the latest enhanced DOSBox SVN build with mouse copy/paste and Long File Name (LFN) support. You can now use the right mouse button to select, copy and paste text from and to DOSBox (when the mouse is not locked).

Latest Windows binary + required DLLs, zipped:

Related forum discussions & sources:

Solution 3:

If you use an older version of DosBox then you could create a .txt file from the host system which you later change to a .bat file. It should look like this:

mount c C:\Dosfiles\games

Solution 4:

DOSBox has no way to have text copied from the host system to it's self, it's emulates an entirely separate environment.