Converting C++ class to JSON

JSON Spirit would allow you to do it like so:

Object addr_obj;

addr_obj.push_back( Pair( "house_number", 42 ) );
addr_obj.push_back( Pair( "road",         "East Street" ) );
addr_obj.push_back( Pair( "town",         "Newtown" ) );

ofstream os( "address.txt" );
os.write( addr_obj, os, pretty_print );


    "house_number" : 42,
    "road" : "East Street",
    "town" : "Newtown"

The json_map_demo.cpp would be a nice place to start, I suppose.

Any good C++ JSON library should do this and it is sad to see that they don't -- with the exception of ThorsSerializer and apparently Nosjob as mentioned in this question.

Of course, C++ does not have reflection like Java, so you have to explicitly annotate your types:
(copied from the ThorsSerializer documentation)

#include "ThorSerialize/JsonThor.h"
#include "ThorSerialize/SerUtil.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

class Example {
    std::string string;
    std::map<std::string, std::string> map;
    std::vector<int> vector;

    // Allow access to the class by the serialization library.
    friend class ThorsAnvil::Serialize::Traits<Example>;

        Example(std::string const& s, std::map<std::string, std::string> const& m, std::vector<int> const& v)
            : string(s), map(m), vector(v)

// Define what members need to be serilizable
ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(Example, string, map, vector);

Example Usage:

int main()
    using ThorsAnvil::Serialize::jsonExport;
    using ThorsAnvil::Serialize::jsonImport;

    Example     e1 {"Some Text", {{"ace", "the best"}, {"king", "second best"}}, {1 ,2 ,3, 4}};

    // Simply serialize object to json using a stream.
    std::cout << jsonExport(e1) << "\n";

    // Deserialize json text from a stream into object.
    std::cin  >> jsonImport(e1);


    "string": "Some Text",
        "ace": "the best",
        "king": "second best"
    "vector": [ 1, 2, 3, 4]

You cannot do better than this in C++.

I wrote a library which designed to solve your problem. However, it is a very new project, not stable enough. Feel free to take a look, the homepage is here::

In your example, you have to add one line like this:

ACML_REGISTER(Example, ,(string)(map)(vector));

in order to tell the library which member you want to dump. Since C++ have no reflection. And you must give a way to access the member, either use public member level or use friend class.

And later you just need to do sth like this:

string result = acml::json::dumps(any_object);

would become::

    "string": "the-string-value",
        "key1": "val1",
        "key2": "val2"
        "type": "std::vector",
        "size": "4",
        "0": "1",
        "1": "2",
        "2": "3",
        "3": "4"

As you see, JSON array is not implemented yet. And everything becomes string now.

Do you want to JSON-ify a map or an object? (your example shows a class, yet you say a map). For a map, check out this library - JSON Spirit.

For objects: There is no reflection support in C++ (apart from the very limited RTTI), so there is no "one-click" solution for serialization either. Any solution will require you to write additional, possibly tightly coupled code to the class you want to serialize and de-serialize (that depends on if you want to serialize non-public data).