IIS 8.5 change bindings on bulk (due to SSL certificate renewal)

Solution 1:


The important part from that article is this:

get-item -Path "cert:\LocalMachine\My\$certShop" |
    new-item -path IIS:\SslBindings\!443

Where $certShop is the thumbprint of the new certificate.

Solution 2:

I installed the SSL certificate on my server and then I changed the binding via the IIS Manager to one site in order to test that everything's ok.

I got a prompt that the "old" certificate is linked to other sites as well and if I want to link the new one to all the other sites. I clicked Yes and then all of my sites that had the expiring certificate changed automatically to the new one.

Didn't know that it was that easy to change all binding at once. It seems that I won't use PowerShell for this job.

At least, I learned a few new PowerShell cmdlets and how to manage certificates better.

Thank you for your quick reply though.