Network Manager does not set IP4.GATEWAY for OpenVPN connection

Solution 1:

You can modify the gateway for network manager connections from the command line. So while I cannot find this option in the GUI, you can list the connections

nmcli con show

find yours

NAME                     UUID                                  TYPE             DEVICE 
thenameyougaveit         some-id-ksadbf019-aksb821           vpn              wlan1  

change the address (it will be discarded afaict but you cannot change the gateway address without setting it)

nmcli con mod some-id-ksadbf019-aksb821 ipv4.addresses

and then set the desired ip4 gateway

nmcli con mod some-id-ksadbf019-aksb821 ipv4.gateway

And now it works from the GUI. Of course, if anything changes on the other end, it will stop working.