is it possible to reboot into Recovery Mode on OS X 10.9 without holding down Command and + R?

I really need to reboot into the Recovery Mode of OS X 10.9 so that I can fix a problem flagged up by Disc Utility, however I cannot hold down the Command and R buttons myself as I am quadriplegic. I don't have access to an able-bodied person for the next couple of days, so I can't get help to hold down the keys from that quarter.

So is it possible to enter Recovery Mode without holding down the Command and R keys on start-up? I was wondering if there is a special flag I could use in the Terminal to enable me to reboot into that mode?

I've been Googling like mad but I can't find any other answer than "reboot whilst holding down the Command and R keys", which whilst true isn't much use to me!

Solution 1:

Use the following command from a terminal:

sudo nvram "recovery-boot-mode=unused"

Solution 2:

The other answer is incomplete & dangerous. The following would help users get into recovery mode and back out:

sudo nvram recovery-boot-mode=unused && sudo shutdown -r now

Once in recovery mode you can run the commands you need. In my case, I wanted to run csrutil disable in Utilities>Terminal.

Run the commands you want and then end with:

nvram -d recovery-boot-mode && shutdown -r now

And you'll get back into normal MacOS.