Powershell fails to retrieve pwdLastSet from Active Directory

Can someone spot a mistake in the Powershell command trying to extract pwdLastSet from Active Directory for some users?

For some accounts it works:

PS C:\> get-aduser -filter "name -like 'Admin*'" -Properties pwdLastSet | Select -first 1 name,pwdLastSet  | format-list

name       : Administrator
pwdLastSet : 131254235816382539

For some it doesn't:

PS C:\> get-aduser -filter "name -like 'G*Ol*'" -Properties pwdLastSet | Select -first 1 name,pwdLastSet  | format-list

name       : Grzegorz Olędzki
pwdLastSet :

What needs to be noted, that the property seems to be set when retrieved from GUI: Properties dialog of the same user

The problem consistently affects multiple accounts, so I suspect there's something I simply don't understand.

Double check and ensure you're running powershell as an administrator. This problem can occur if your instance isn't elevated as some password policies (GPO) are likely hidden.