What proc values do the witch doctors skills have?

Witch Doctor Skill Coefficients

One use of proc coefficients is determining how much life on hit is received for every skill you use. If you have 100 life on hit and a skill you are using has a 150% return value, you will receive 150 life each time you use the skill on a enemy.

Proc coefficients also modify the chance of chance on hit abilities.

Primary Skills

|   Poison Darts    | Return Value | Corpse Spiders  | Return Value |
| No Rune           | 200%         | No Rune         | 8%           |
| Splinters         | 33%          | Leaping Spiders | 8%           |
| Numbing Dart      | 200%         | Spider Queen    | 30%          |
| Spined Dart       | 200%         | Widowmakers     | 8%           |
| Flaming Dart      | 100%         | Medusa Spiders  | 8%           |
| Snake to the Face | 200%         | Blazing Spiders | 8%           |

| Plague of Toads  | Return Value |   Firebomb     | Return Value |
| No Rune          | 66%          | No Rune        | 66%          |
| Explosive Toads  | 66%          | Flash Fire     | 20%          |
| Toad of Hugeness | 100%         | Roll the Bones | 22%          |
| Rain of Toads    | 50%          | Fire Pit       | 6%           |
| Addling Toads    | 66%          | Pyrogeist      | 16%          |
| Toad Affinity    | 66%          | Ghost Bomb     | 12%          |

Secondary Skills

| Grasp of the Dead | Return Value |   Fire Bats   | Return Value |
| No Rune           | 16%          | No Rune       | 16%          |
| Unbreakable Grasp | 16%          | Dire          | 16%          |
| Groping Eels      | 16%          | Vampire       | 16%          |
| Death is Life     | 16%          | Plague        | 16%          |
| Desperate Grasp   | 16%          | Hungry        | 33%          |
| Rain of Corpses   | 12%          | Cloud of Bats | 25%          |

|   Haunt   | Return Value |   Locust Swarm   | Return Value |
| No Rune   | 100%         | No Rune          | 33%          |
| Consuming | 100%         | Pestilence       | 33%          |
| Resentful | 100%         | Devouring Swarm  | 33%          |
| Lingering | 100%         | Cloud of Insects | 33%          |
| Grasping  | 100%         | Diseased Swarm   | 33%          |
| Draining  | 100%         | Searing Locusts  | 33%          |

Defensive Skills

| Summon Zombie Dogs | Return Value |      Horrify       | Return Value |
| No Rune            | -            | No Rune            | -            |
| Rabid Dogs         | 10%          | Phobia             | -            |
| Final Gift         | -            | Stalker            | -            |
| Life Link          | -            | Face of Death      | -            |
| Burning Dogs       | 5%           | Frightening Aspect | -            |
| Leeching Beasts    | -            | Ruthless Terror    | -            |
|   Spirit Walk   | Return Value |          Hex           | Return Value |
| No Rune         | -            | No Rune                | -            |
| Jaunt           | -            | Hedge Magic            | -            |
| Honored Guest   | -            | Jinx                   | -            |
| Umbral Shock    | 33%          | Angry Chicken          | -            |
| Severance       | 20%          | Painful Transformation | -            |
| Healing Journey | -            | Unstable Form          | -            |


|   Soul Harvest    | Return Value |    Sacrifice     | Return Value |
| No Rune           | -            | No Rune          | 100%         |
| Swallow your Soul | -            | Back Blood       | 16%          |
| Siphon            | -            | Next of Kin      | 16%          |
| Languish          | -            | Pride            | 16%          |
| Soul to Waste     | -            | For the Master   | 16%          |
| Vengeful spirit   | 25%          | Provoke the Pack | 16%          |
|  Mass Confusion   | Return Value |
| No Rune           | -            |
| Unstable Realm    | -            |
| Devolution        | -            |
| Mass Hysteria     | -            |
| Paranoia          | -            |
| Mass Hallcination | 13%          |


| Zombie Charger  | Return Value |    Spirit Barrage     | Return Value |
| No Rune         | 50%          | No Rune               | 100%         |
| Leperous Zombie | 50%          | The spirit is Willing | 100%         |
| Undeath         | 50%          | Well of Souls         | 33%          |
| Wave of Zombies | 8%           | Phantasm              | 25%          |
| Explosive beast | 50%          | Phlebotomize          | 100%         |
| Zombie Bears    | 11%          | Manitou               | 12%          |
|  Acid Cloud   | Return Value | Wall of Zombie   | Return Value |
| No Rune       | 116%         | No Rune          | 16%          |
| Acid Rain     | 280%         | Barricade        | 20%          |
| Lob Blob Bomb | 116%         | Unrelenting Grip | 16%          |
| Slow Burn     | 116%         | Creepers         | 16%          |
| Kiss of Death | 116%         | Pile On          | 50%          |
| Corpse Bomb   | 33%          | Dead Rush        | 16%          |


|     Gargantuan      | Return Value | Big Bad Voodoo  | Return Value |
| No Rune             | -            | No Rune         | -            |
| Humongoid           | -            | Jungle Drums    | -            |
| Restless Giant      | -            | Rain Dance      | -            |
| Wraithful Protector | -            | Slam Dance      | -            |
| Big Stinker         | -            | Ghost Trance    | -            |
| Bruiser             | -            | Boogie Man      | -            |
|    Fetish Army    | Return Value |
| No Rune           | -            |
| Fetish Ambush     | 10%          |
| Devoted Following | -            |
| Legion of Daggers | -            |
| Tiki Torchers     | -            |
| Head Hunters      | -            |

Source: Witch Doctor Skill Proc Coefficients