How to start Viber in minimized mode when booting Windows 7?

I want Viber get started automatically but get minimized in system tray also - I don't want to see it on my task pane.

How can I do that?

p.s. Going in the Viber application setting and found nothing there.

enter image description here

If they don't add the option to do so, it's not possible, sadly enough. You could always suggest the viber developers to add the option @

As of 2015-05 it seems it's not possible to make Viber autostart minimized to System tray.

However, it's at least possible to prevent Viber main window popping out on startup, instead keeping Viber minimized to Windows Taskbar, not System tray.

Here's how to prevent Viber popping out on Window 7 startup:

  1. Navigate to C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

Viber shortcut

  1. Find Viber shortcut

  2. Right mouse click on Viber shortcut - Properties - select Shortcut Tab - Run: from dropdown menu select Minimized - OK


This will make Viber start minimized to Windows Taskbar from where you can close Viber window and leave Viber icon only in System tray:


Obviously, we should all suggest Viber developers to add an option to Autostart Viber minimized to System tray @

Viber is launched with the command "viber.exe StartMinimized". This "StartMinimized" argument seems to mean that they intended Viber to start minimized. But it only works when Viber is pinned to the taskbar.

That being said, your best bet is to contact them at to report that problem.