How to close orphaned PowerShell sessions?

The remote jobs would run under a wsmprovhost.exe process per job. You should be able to brute force terminate these processes with WMI - or even remotely reboot the machine. You run the risk of killing hosted jobs for other users/activities, of course.

This would terminate all wsmprovhost.exe processes on the computer named (or array of computer names):

(gwmi win32_process -ComputerName $RemoteServer) |? 
    { $_.Name -imatch "wsmprovhost.exe" } |% 
    { $_.Name; $_.Terminate() }

I know this post is kinda old. @Matthew Wetmore has a great solution to remove ALL PSSessions from a remote server. But, @SuHwak had a follow on question, of how to stop only sessions that a specific user has spawned.

To that end, I wrote a function to assist.

function Get-PSSessionsForUser

    begin {
        if(($UserName -eq $null) -or ($UserName -eq ""))
        { $UserName = [Environment]::UserName }
        if(($ServerName -eq $null) -or ($ServerName -eq ""))
        { $ServerName = [Environment]::MachineName }

    process {
        Get-CimInstance  -ClassName Win32_Process -ComputerName $ServerName | Where-Object { 
            $_.Name -imatch "wsmprovhost.exe"
        } | Where-Object {
            $UserName -eq (Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $_ -MethodName GetOwner).User

And, to use it....

#Get, but do not terminate sessions for the current user, on the local computer.

#Terminate all sessions for for the current user, on the local computer.
(Get-PSSessionsForUser) | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Terminate


#Get, but do not terminate sessions for a specific user, on the local computer.
Get-PSSessionsForUser -UserName "custom_username"

#Terminate all sessions for a specific user, on the local computer.
(Get-PSSessionsForUser -UserName "custom_username") | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Terminate


#Get, but do not terminate sessions for the current user, on a remote server.
Get-PSSessionsForUser -ServerName "remote_server"

#Terminate all sessions for the current user, on a remote server.
(Get-PSSessionsForUser -ServerName "remote_server") | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Terminate


#Get, but do not terminate sessions for a specific user, on a remote server.
Get-PSSessionsForUser -UserName "custom_username" -ServerName "remote_server"

#Terminate all sessions for a specific user, on a remote server.
(Get-PSSessionsForUser -UserName "custom_username" -ServerName "remote_server") | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Terminate