What are the equivalent PC keyboard keys and mouse buttons of the Xbox 360 game controller buttons shown on the screen?
The PC port of Dark Souls shows Xbox 360 game controller buttons on its in-game messages and the UI. However, I'm playing with a mouse and a keyboard. This makes learning the controls a bit awkward.
What are the equivalent (default) PC keyboard keys and mouse buttons of the Xbox 360 game controller buttons shown on the screen?
Solution 1:
PC — Xbox 360
W, A, S, D - Forward, Back, Left, Right.
I, J, K, L - Camera controls (Second analogue stick)
C, X, V, B - D-pad
Page Up, Page Down - RB, LB
Insert, Delete - X, Y
Menu / Stats pages, etc: End
Q - A
E - B
Lock on: O
Gesture menu: G
Controls your rolling, dashing, diving, etc: Space
Toggle 1H/2H Grip: Alt
Right Weapon Attack, Heavy: U, LMB
Right Weapon Attack, Light: H, RMB
Left Weapon Action / Block: Shift
Left Weapon Action / Parry: Tab
Confirm: Enter
Cancel: Backspace
Note: If the Xbox 360 controller button is not written, it is not known what the equivalent button is. Please consider suggesting an edit to this answer, or commenting about it, if you know them.
Source(s): I've got Dark Souls. The keyboard controls are really not intuitive but all of the above are what you get. The in-game hints system is pretty much useless as it lists the keys for the 360 controller. For example, when telling you to do a critical attack it was listed as "when falling, press RB" - menus didn't say what that was but it's easy to work out when you start playing.
My advice is - get a controller. The game is very fun and playable with the keyboard and mouse but you will probably start to hate life, especially with the lock on if you're using a mouse since it is highly sensitive and just pressing one of the attack buttons can switch targets so your attack misses and you die.