I'm an experienced Microsoft Excel user and I've always loved the software in the past, when I used Excel 2007. One of the best things I liked about Excel 2007 was how I could do everything on the keyboard at a much higher speed than I could with the mouse.

However now in my new office I am using Excel 365, and it is extremely slow when I do keyboard shortcuts. For example, Paste Values is ALT-H-V-V, which executes instantly as fast as I can type it (a split second) in Excel 2007, but in Excel 365 it takes about 3-5 seconds to slowly display all the "letters" over the top tab and ribbon. This slows me down by multiples, and in this way Excel 365 was a severe downgrade for me.

Since I cannot exchange my 365 for 2007, I would like to ask for help on how to resolve this issue. I've tried all the things other forums and posts have recommended - disabling Tool Tips, changing the "hardware graphics accelerator option" under File - Options - Advanced, disabling the animations and even something I had to do on the Control Panel. Nothing works.

Appreciate any suggestions you might have.

Solution 1:

If you're using shortcuts that visually go through the ribbon, turn off animations for all of office 2013 -

  1. create the following key in the registry if it does not exist yet: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Graphics

  2. create a new DWORD DisableAnimations in that key and set its value to 1
