Can I set a TTL for @Cacheable

Spring 3.1 and Guava 1.13.1:

public class CacheConfiguration implements CachingConfigurer {

    public CacheManager cacheManager() {
        ConcurrentMapCacheManager cacheManager = new ConcurrentMapCacheManager() {

            protected Cache createConcurrentMapCache(final String name) {
                return new ConcurrentMapCache(name,
                    CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite(30, TimeUnit.MINUTES).maximumSize(100).build().asMap(), false);

        return cacheManager;

    public KeyGenerator keyGenerator() {
        return new DefaultKeyGenerator();


I use life hacking like this

public class CachingConfig {
    public static final String GAMES = "GAMES";
    public CacheManager cacheManager() {
        ConcurrentMapCacheManager cacheManager = new ConcurrentMapCacheManager(GAMES);

        return cacheManager;

@CacheEvict(allEntries = true, value = {GAMES})
@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 10 * 60 * 1000 ,  initialDelay = 500)
public void reportCacheEvict() {
    System.out.println("Flush Cache " + dateFormat.format(new Date()));


How can I set the TTL/TTI/Eviction policy/XXX feature?

Directly through your cache provider. The cache abstraction is... well, an abstraction not a cache implementation

So, if you use EHCache, use EHCache's configuration to configure the TTL.

You could also use Guava's CacheBuilder to build a cache, and pass this cache's ConcurrentMap view to the setStore method of the ConcurrentMapCacheFactoryBean.

Here is a full example of setting up Guava Cache in Spring. I used Guava over Ehcache because it's a bit lighter weight and the config seemed more straight forward to me.

Import Maven Dependencies

Add these dependencies to your maven pom file and run clean and packages. These files are the Guava dep and Spring helper methods for use in the CacheBuilder.


Configure the Cache

You need to create a CacheConfig file to configure the cache using Java config.

public class CacheConfig {

   public final static String CACHE_ONE = "cacheOne";
   public final static String CACHE_TWO = "cacheTwo";

   public Cache cacheOne() {
      return new GuavaCache(CACHE_ONE, CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
            .expireAfterWrite(60, TimeUnit.MINUTES)

   public Cache cacheTwo() {
      return new GuavaCache(CACHE_TWO, CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
            .expireAfterWrite(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

Annotate the method to be cached

Add the @Cacheable annotation and pass in the cache name.

public class CachedService extends WebServiceGatewaySupport implements CachedService {

    private RestTemplate restTemplate;

    public String getCached() {

        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

        HttpEntity<String> reqEntity = new HttpEntity<>("url", headers);

        ResponseEntity<String> response;

        String url = "url";
        response =
                HttpMethod.GET, reqEntity, String.class);

        return response.getBody();

You can see a more complete example here with annotated screenshots: Guava Cache in Spring