How to rebuild fstab automatically

Well, I don't know of an automated way to restore it, but from your paste, created by hand..

# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
proc /proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0  0
UUID=3fc55e0f-a9b3-4229-9e76-ca95b4825a40 / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
UUID=718e611d-b8a3-4f02-a0cc-b3025d8db54d none swap sw 0 0 
UUID=41e60bc2-2c9c-4104-9649-6b513919df4a /home ext4 defaults 0 0
UUID=02fc2eda-d9fb-47fb-9e60-5fe3073e5b55 /media/Files_Server ext4 defaults 0 0

Please wait for a couple of other people review and approve this before you blindly copy and reboot with it, a second set of eyes is always good ;)

I've left out sdd and sr0 as they look like they're done by gvfs.

Disks GUI program controls fstab. You can go there and put your partitions mount options on automatic by switching it off and on again. I think it will rebuild your fstab to the default mode.

blkid | grep /dev/sd | sed -e 's/:.* UUID/;UUID/' -e 's/ TYPE.*//' | while read re; do sed -i "s;$re;" /etc/fstab; done

This ^ cmd works for me quite well.