Why do my bluetooth Sony stero headphones only play in mono?

I'm new to Linux, so I hope I'll be giving you helpful info here. On my last (recently deceased) laptop, I was running Ubuntu 14.04, and on that system my bluetooth Sony MDR-ZX770BT stereo headphones worked beautifully.

Now I have a brand new Lenovo G50-70 64-bit notebook with Ubuntu 16.04 preinstalled. The audio device is Haswell-ULT HD Audio Controller by Intel.

The headphones work now, but only in mono. When I look at sound settings, and check sound there, it tells me the sound is mono. Mono sound is coming through both sides of the headphone. I also think the built-in speakers are putting out mono, the sound is not good at all.

I've installed both blueman and pulseaudio controller. While pulseaudio will allow me to try both modes (headset and A2DP sink), blueman tells me that only headset mode will work, and the error message I get in blueman is "failed to change profile to a2dp_sink".

I've googled and checked here and can't find anything concerning this specific problem. It doesn't help that I'm ignorant of audio matters. I brought up alsamixer in the terminal, but don't understand what I'm looking at.

I'll be happy to post any logs once I know how to get to them.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give.

I solve my mono headphone problem that comes out after upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04

open terminal and start bluetooth controller sequence

$ bluetoothctl

Now the environmet intermenal should be changed to [bluetooth]# there is list of devices with MAC address and one of them should be your headphone. Connect device with its mac adress like

[bluetooth]# connect AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF

Your device now connected to your bluetooth device. Now where magic happens. Open another terminal and start the bluetooth device:

$ sudo service bluetooth restart

Now return to the tab with the environment [bluetooth]# Your device is disconnected after restarting bluetooth. Connect it again: [bluetooth]# connect AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF

Ta Da! This solves my problem. You can chach from sound settings That Your headset profile is set on High Fidelity Playback(A2DP Sink)

If your headset supports STEREO, you can change the settings at SOUND PREFERENCES.

(Assuming you successfully connected your BT headset)

  1. Go to System-Preferences-Sound
  2. Click HARDWARE Tab. You should see your Bluetooth headset here.
  3. Select Your Bluetooth headset
  4. At the lower part of the Hardware tab, Select "High Fidelity Playback (A2DP)

You should have STEREO sound now.

Good luck.