Unable to start Redis under SELinux

Solution 1:

I think theres something odd going on in that policy of yours.

If you check the audit logs, it says whilst the SELinux source context is correctly labelled as redis_t the target context is labelled as http_port_t. This is despite what your policy says, that it should be redis_port_t.

This means whats in the kernel and whats in policy dont match. The port is still 6379 though.

You may want to check what you have configured for your http_port_t as well as your redis_port_t. As far as I understand, port policy bindings can only have one label per port/protocol, so I suspect whats in your policy store does not reflect whats in your server presently.

You may want to try doing a semodule -B to rebuild and reload your policy to try to fix the synchronization problem.

If no luck, search whats in the port listings for http_port_t and update the question.