16.04 Wifi / ethernet issues after updating from 14.04

Solution 1:

I suggest that you try a driver parameter. From the terminal:

sudo -i
echo "options rt2800pci nohwcrypt=Y"  >  /etc/modprobe.d/rt2800pci.conf

Reboot. Any improvement? Check the message log:

dmesg | grep rt2

Are the errors, warnings, etc., such as you posted above, better, the same or worse?

If you wish to try to compile backports, I suggest:

cd ~/Downloads/backports-4.2.2-1

Or wherever you downloaded the package, if not Downloads.

make defconfig-wifi
sudo make install

The command 'make' takes a long time in this instance. Please be patient. Reboot. Any improvement? Check the message log:

dmesg | grep rt2

Solution 2:

You might have to blacklist the r8169 driver and try installing the r8168 driver r8168-dkms from the universe repository. Package details

If this doesn't resolve your wired connection issues try replacing the patch cable as it may have an intermittent short.

As far as the wireless is concerned you should try 2011_1007_RT5390_RT5392_Linux_STA_V2.5.0.3_DPO updated to work with Linux kernel 3.8 and above. Installation instructions are on the same page. I will replicate them here if you see value in that.

Edit: As reported by @Nelson Galdeman Graziano, It appears that a recent update resolved this issue. So the first thing to try is sudo apt update followed by sudo apt upgrade

