Are there any blacksmiths or enchanters for hire?

No, there are no items or characters that allow you to smith gear you do not have perks for. If you wish, you can add the relevant perks free of charge by looking up the perk code and adding it with the console like this:

help "daedric smithing" 4

This will output a list of all things in the game that have "daedric smithing" in the name, look for the 8-number ID (In this case, the ID is 000CB413), then

player.addperk <ID>

Actually there is something very similar to this in the form of certain followers. Some followers can TRAIN you in said skills, and then you can open their inventory (since they are your follower) and take you money back. Rinse, and repeat. I'm on my lunchbreak at this moment, and havent the time to look them up but I will include them in my answer as soon as I get off work.

You can find the followers yourself at the Wiki.