Correct way to inherit from std::exception

If you want to make use of the string constructor, you should inherit from std::runtime_error or std::logic_error which implements a string constructor and implements the std::exception::what method.

Then it's just a case of calling the runtime_error/logic_error constructor from your new inherited class, or if you're using c++11 you can use constructor inheritance.

I use the following class for my exceptions and it works fine:

class Exception: public std::exception
    /** Constructor (C strings).
     *  @param message C-style string error message.
     *                 The string contents are copied upon construction.
     *                 Hence, responsibility for deleting the char* lies
     *                 with the caller. 
    explicit Exception(const char* message)
        : msg_(message) {}

    /** Constructor (C++ STL strings).
     *  @param message The error message.
    explicit Exception(const std::string& message)
        : msg_(message) {}

    /** Destructor.
     * Virtual to allow for subclassing.
    virtual ~Exception() noexcept {}

    /** Returns a pointer to the (constant) error description.
     *  @return A pointer to a const char*. The underlying memory
     *          is in posession of the Exception object. Callers must
     *          not attempt to free the memory.
    virtual const char* what() const noexcept {
       return msg_.c_str();

    /** Error message.
    std::string msg_;

How about this:

class My_Exception : public std::exception
virtual char const * what() const { return "Something bad happend."; }

Or, create a constructor accepting the description if you like...

If your goal is to create an exception so that you do not throw a generic exception (cpp:S112) you may just want to expose the exception you inherit from (C++11) with a using declaration.

Here is a minimal example for that:

#include <exception>
#include <iostream>

struct myException : std::exception
    using std::exception::exception;

int main(int, char*[])
        throw myException{ "Something Happened" };
    catch (myException &e)
        std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
    return{ 0 };

As Kilian points out in the comment section the example depends on a specific implementation of std::exception that offers more constructors than are mentioned here.

In order to avoid that you can use any of the convenience classes predefined in the header <stdexcept>. See these "Exception categories" for inspiration.