TortoiseGit modified sign (icon overlay) is not updating

Solution 1:

I'm assuming you are using tortoise git? I've had the issue before, sometimes pressing F5 fixes it other times it just goes away after tortoise resyncs itself.

Here is another possible fix link.

The current workaround is to kill TGitCache.exe with the Windows task manager.

Solution 2:

What helped for me was the following:

  1. Go to "Settings -> Icon Overlays" Check under "Status cache" the option "none"
  2. Refresh the explorer F5
  3. Go back and change the cache option back to "Default"

Solution 3:

There is a workaround that I have tried:

Rename the directory of the repository and then change it back and you are good to go!

As an example: MyComplexProject can be changed to MyComplexProject1 then back to MyComplexProject.

Solution 4:

Kill TGitCache.exe works for me. .... I put this as an answer because I don't have enough reputation points to add it as a comment. But wanted to help further iterate that it is a working solution.