How to export a date range in Calendar

A workaround would be:

  • Create a temporary calendar from File>New Calendar.

  • Mark the calendars you want to export:

    enter image description here

  • Depending on the time range you want to export select week or month view:

    enter image description here

  • Go to the week or month you want to export, press A to select all events and C to copy them.

  • Select the temporary calendar:

    enter image description here

    and press V to paste all previously copied events.

  • Export the temporary calendar as an ics file:

    enter image description here

  • Delete the temporary calendar with Edit>Delete.

Although jaume came up with an very easy workaround somebody might be looking for an even easier solution. Take a look at the Calex App which offers a little bit more features. For example Calex lets you export multiple calendars into one single file.

You can at least Drag and Drop single events out of the Calendar window.