How can query string parameters be forwarded through a proxy_pass with nginx?
upstream apache {
location ~* ^/service/(.*)$ {
proxy_pass http://apache/$1;
proxy_redirect off;
The above snippet will redirect requests where the url includes the string "service" to another server, but it does not include query parameters.
From the proxy_pass documentation:
A special case is using variables in the proxy_pass statement: The requested URL is not used and you are fully responsible to construct the target URL yourself.
Since you're using $1 in the target, nginx relies on you to tell it exactly what to pass. You can fix this in two ways. First, stripping the beginning of the uri with a proxy_pass is trivial:
location /service/ {
# Note the trailing slash on the proxy_pass.
# It tells nginx to replace /service/ with / when passing the request.
proxy_pass http://apache/;
Or if you want to use the regex location, just include the args:
location ~* ^/service/(.*) {
proxy_pass http://apache/$1$is_args$args;
I use a slightly modified version of kolbyjack's second approach with ~
instead of ~*
location ~ ^/service/ {
proxy_pass http://apache/$uri$is_args$args;
you have to use rewrite to pass params using proxy_pass here is example I did for angularjs app deployment to s3
S3 Static Website Hosting Route All Paths to Index.html
adopted to your needs would be something like
location /service/ {
rewrite ^\/service\/(.*) /$1 break;
proxy_pass http://apache;
if you want to end up in
if you want to end up in you'll need something like
location /service/ {
rewrite ^\/(.*) /$1 break;
proxy_pass http://apache;
I modified @kolbyjack code to make it work for
with parameters
location ~ ^/service/?(.*) {
return 301 http://service_url/$1$is_args$args;