Deleting data from InnoDB is the most expensive operation you can request of it. As you already discovered the query itself is not the problem - most of them will be optimized to the same execution plan anyway.

While it may be hard to understand why DELETEs of all cases are the slowest, there is a rather simple explanation. InnoDB is a transactional storage engine. That means that if your query was aborted halfway-through, all records would still be in place as if nothing happened. Once it is complete, all will be gone in the same instant. During the DELETE other clients connecting to the server will see the records until your DELETE completes.

To achieve this, InnoDB uses a technique called MVCC (Multi Version Concurrency Control). What it basically does is to give each connection a snapshot view of the whole database as it was when the first statement of the transaction started. To achieve this, every record in InnoDB internally can have multiple values - one for each snapshot. This is also why COUNTing on InnoDB takes some time - it depends on the snapshot state you see at that time.

For your DELETE transaction, each and every record that is identified according to your query conditions, gets marked for deletion. As other clients might be accessing the data at the same time, it cannot immediately remove them from the table, because they have to see their respective snapshot to guarantee the atomicity of the deletion.

Once all records have been marked for deletion, the transaction is successfully committed. And even then they cannot be immediately removed from the actual data pages, before all other transactions that worked with a snapshot value before your DELETE transaction, have ended as well.

So in fact your 3 minutes are not really that slow, considering the fact that all records have to be modified in order to prepare them for removal in a transaction safe way. Probably you will "hear" your hard disk working while the statement runs. This is caused by accessing all the rows. To improve performance you can try to increase InnoDB buffer pool size for your server and try to limit other access to the database while you DELETE, thereby also reducing the number of historic versions InnoDB has to maintain per record. With the additional memory InnoDB might be able to read your table (mostly) into memory and avoid some disk seeking time.

Try this:

 on =

Using subqueries tend to be slower then joins as they are run for each record in the outer query.