Clone Ubuntu Machine

Solution 1:

Remastersys is a free and open source program for Debian, Ubuntu-based, or derivative software systems that can:

  • Create a customized Live CD/DVD (a remaster) of Debian and its derivatives.
  • Back up an entire system, including user data, to an installable Live CD/DVD.

Solution 2:

I've never used SliceHost, but the following should work with any hosting provider that grants you full root access over SSH to your hosted machine.

Basically, use rsync in "archive" mode.

  1. Create the file/partition/LVM logical volume large enough to contain all the files from your remote VM. Format it and mount on /mnt.

  2. Run rsync:

    rsync -a -z -A -X -e ssh --inplace --progress root@remotehost:/ /mnt/

You might want to add a -n to the rsync invcation to test it before doing the transfer.

If you don't have any POSIX ACLs or extended attributes in the remote VM, you can leave out the -A or -X options respectively. If you have any hard-links on the remote VM, you must add a -H option.

Solution 3:

Systemback is a better then Windows Restore like program that can make live USB copy in a very simple way, no terminal needed. Also restoring from Live USB or on fresh install is also posible. It takes about 2-3min to make full backup of the system and can be scheduled at will. Works perfect under Ubuntu 14.04

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