Permission issues with Samba and OS X

Sorry this doesn't help the OP, but I can confirm that

unix extensions = no

worked for me. I have Macs running Snow Leopard connecting to Linux (lenny/sid) server with Samba 3.2.3. I am posting this so people will still try that. Much like others, before I put the unix extensions = no line in, the force create mode was being ignored.

Samba has two ways of setting perms for an uploaded file:

  1. Without UNIX extensions: preset file/directory mask is used
  2. With UNIX extensions (which probably MacOS client has): that allows clients to control file perms

Here's the lines you should add to config file (smb.conf):

# For case 1: no UNIX extensions
create mask = 0644
directory mask = 0755
# For case 2: override UNIX extensions
force create mode = 0644
force directory mode = 0755

(Should be placed BEFORE any share definition goes: this looks like [share name] in square braces and a couple of indented lines. These sets will then apply to all shares you have)

Also read about force group and force user in man smb.conf, if you need it.