Implementing Comments and Likes in database

Solution 1:

The most extensible solution is to have just one "base" table (connected to "likes", tags and comments), and "inherit" all other tables from it. Adding a new kind of entity involves just adding a new "inherited" table - it then automatically plugs into the whole like/tag/comment machinery.

Entity-relationship term for this is "category" (see the ERwin Methods Guide, section: "Subtype Relationships"). The category symbol is:


Assuming a user can like multiple entities, a same tag can be used for more than one entity but a comment is entity-specific, your model could look like this:

ER Diagram

BTW, there are roughly 3 ways to implement the "ER category":

  • All types in one table.
  • All concrete types in separate tables.
  • All concrete and abstract types in separate tables.

Unless you have very stringent performance requirements, the third approach is probably the best (meaning the physical tables match 1:1 the entities in the diagram above).

Solution 2:

Since you "hate" databases, why are you trying to implement one? Instead, solicit help from someone who loves and breathes this stuff.

Otherwise, learn to love your database. A well designed database simplifies programming, engineering the site, and smooths its continuing operation. Even an experienced d/b designer will not have complete and perfect foresight: some schema changes down the road will be needed as usage patterns emerge or requirements change.

If this is a one man project, program the database interface into simple operations using stored procedures: add_user, update_user, add_comment, add_like, upload_photo, list_comments, etc. Do not embed the schema into even one line of code. In this manner, the database schema can be changed without affecting any code: only the stored procedures should know about the schema.

You may have to refactor the schema several times. This is normal. Don't worry about getting it perfect the first time. Just make it functional enough to prototype an initial design. If you have the luxury of time, use it some, and then delete the schema and do it again. It is always better the second time.

Solution 3:

This is a general idea please don´t pay much attention to the field names styling, but more to the relation and structure

enter image description here

This pseudocode will get all the comments of photo with ID 5
SELECT * FROM actions
WHERE actions.id_Stuff = 5
AND actions.typeStuff="photo"
AND actions.typeAction = "comment"

This pseudocode will get all the likes or users who liked photo with ID 5
(you may use count() to just get the amount of likes)

SELECT * FROM actions  
WHERE actions.id_Stuff = 5  
AND actions.typeStuff="photo"  
AND actions.typeAction = "like"  

Solution 4:

as far as i understand. several tables are required. There is a many to many relation between them.

  • Table which stores the user data such as name, surname, birth date with a identity field.
  • Table which stores data types. these types may be photos, shares, links. each type must has a unique table. therefore, there is a relation between their individual tables and this table.
  • each different data type has its table. for example, status updates, photos, links.
  • the last table is for many to many relation storing an id, user id, data type and data id.