How to create a thread?

The method below is what I want to be done in that thread:

public void Startup(int port,string path)

I tried what I could find googling,but nothing worked

public void Test(int port,string path)
    Thread t = new Thread(Startup(port,path));

public void TestA(int port,string path)
    Thread t = new Thread(Startup);
    t.Start (port,path);

Both don't compile,how to do that?

The following ways work.

// The old way of using ParameterizedThreadStart. This requires a
// method which takes ONE object as the parameter so you need to
// encapsulate the parameters inside one object.
Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(StartupA));
t.Start(new MyThreadParams(path, port));

// You can also use an anonymous delegate to do this.
Thread t2 = new Thread(delegate()
    StartupB(port, path);

// Or lambda expressions if you are using C# 3.0
Thread t3 = new Thread(() => StartupB(port, path));

The Startup methods have following signature for these examples.

public void StartupA(object parameters);

public void StartupB(int port, string path);

Update The currently suggested way to start a Task is simply using Task.Run()

Task.Run(() => foo());

Note that this method is described as the best way to start a task see here

Previous answer

I like the Task Factory from System.Threading.Tasks. You can do something like this:

Task.Factory.StartNew(() => 
    // Whatever code you want in your thread

Note that the task factory gives you additional convenience options like ContinueWith:

Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {}).ContinueWith((result) => 
    // Whatever code should be executed after the newly started thread.

Also note that a task is a slightly different concept than threads. They nicely fit with the async/await keywords, see here.

The method that you want to run must be a ThreadStart Delegate. Please consult the Thread documentation on MSDN. Note that you can sort of create your two-parameter start with a closure. Something like:

var t = new Thread(() => Startup(port, path));

Note that you may want to revisit your method accessibility. If I saw a class starting a thread on its own public method in this manner, I'd be a little surprised.

Your example fails because Thread methods take either one or zero arguments. To create a thread without passing arguments, your code looks like this:

void Start()
    // do stuff

void Test()
    new Thread(new ThreadStart(Start)).Start();

If you want to pass data to the thread, you need to encapsulate your data into a single object, whether that is a custom class of your own design, or a dictionary object or something else. You then need to use the ParameterizedThreadStart delegate, like so:

void Start(object data)
    MyClass myData = (MyClass)myData;
    // do stuff

void Test(MyClass data)
    new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Start)).Start(data);

public class ThreadParameter
            public int Port { get; set; }
            public string Path { get; set; }

Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Startup));
t.Start(new ThreadParameter() { Port = port, Path = path});

Create an object with the port and path objects and pass it to the Startup method.