Booting problem after upgrade, /dev/sda2 clean

Solution 1:

Guys it is a graphics driver problem. I solved it by uninstalling all the proprietary drivers and switching to open source drivers.

Press ctrl+alt+F2 and enter your username and password to get bash

Once in bash

Follow the steps in the above link and uninstall all proprietary drivers and reboot with the reboot command. That's all it took to fix my issue.

Solution 2:

I think you have no problem. It's just a normal procedure in ubuntu versions 15 and newer. I offer a link to the explanation given by its author

Ubuntu versions 15.04 and newer perform a quick file system check on the root disk and report the result on the screen.

The message /dev/sda2: clean, 286631/6111232 files, 2586472/24413952 blocks has the following meaning:

The partition that was checked is "/dev/sda" The file system is "clean", i.e. there are no inconsistencies "286631/6111232 files": The file system has been created to allow a maximum of 6,111,232 files, and currently there are 286,631 files, "2586472/24413952 blocks": The storage capacity of the file system is 24,413,952 blocks (probably 4096 bytes each), and 2,586,472 blocks currently are in use.

This is an informational message confirming that the file system is ok. There is nothing that needs to be resolved or repaired.