Inability to Boot to Ubuntu

If I did understand everything correctly, you are not able to boot any Linux installation media at all. This is due to the fact that you are having very new hardware - especially the latest available graphics processor EVGA GEFORCE GTX 1070 FOUNDERS EDITION - which is a slightly modified branded version of the NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 1070 processor unit.

Those new graphics chips are known to have extreme compatibility issues with the open source nouveau drivers what prevents a Linux installation media or system from booting successfully. Also 3rd party installation media creation tools like Rufus, Unetbootin or WinUSB for example, are not creating the USB installation media properly in many cases.

As this is a Q&A site for Ubuntu, I provide you with the solution how to solve it for Ubuntu.
A tool to create a correctly working installation media is GNOME Disks and available in the repositories of nearly all Linux distributions ... in Ubuntu it is called gnome-disk-utility.

Open Disks - select Restore Disk Image from the menu on the top right.
Choose the ISO file and the USB drive to write it to, then start restoring.

Now boot from the created Ubuntu installation media, select Try Ubuntu without installing.
Press the E key and add the parameter nouveau.modeset=0 at the end of the linux line.
Press the F10 key and boot into the Ubuntu Live desktop - start the installation of Ubuntu.
Note : Set a Space between the last character in the linux line and nouveau.modeset=0.

Additional information : The way to create the USB media as described above is recommended ! When there's no chance for you to do it on a machine running a Linux system and you have to do it from within Windows ... you can create the installation media with the built-in diskpart tool.
On running Windows operating system open Command prompt as administrator and execute :

list disk  
select disk *  
create partition primary  
format fs=fat32 quick  
assign letter=**  

Note : * = number of USB drive | ** = select a free drive letter
Now mount the ISO file and copy the content to the USB disk.