Lock other users from using my workstation

I don't like other people using my workstation in my absence How do I lock a workstation that is configured to let anyone with valid credentials to log in as a different user?

Solution 1:

Not sure how your work environment is currently configured, but local group policy can be used IF you have admin privileges (refer to Zoredache's comment above).

  1. Open the Local Group Policy Editor.

  2. In the left pane, click on to expand Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, System, and Logon. (See screenshot below)

enter image description here

  1. In the right pane, right click on Hide entry points for Fast User Switching and click on Edit. (See screenshot above)

  2. To Add Switch User to CTRL+ALT+DEL Screen A) Select (dot) either Not Configured or Disabled. (See screenshot below step 6)

B) Go to step 6.

  1. To Remove Switch User from CTRL+ALT+DEL Screen A) Select (dot) Enabled. (See screenshot below step 6)

  2. Click on OK. (See screenshot below) enter image description here

  3. Close the Local Group Policy Editor window.

  4. Restart the computer to fully apply.

See the following links:

