I was able to use the lets encrypt certificate on neo4j by using the following process:

  • Used the letsencrypt/acme client implemented as a shell-script method to make the certificate for my domain.
  • Three files are generated running the script to get the certificate fullchain.pem cert.pem privkey.pem
  • Copy them to the certificates directory of neo4j

    mv /path_to_lets_encrypt_certs_dir/fullchain.pem /var/lib/neo4j/certificates/neo4j.cert

    mv /path_to_lets_encrypt_certs_dir/privkey.pem /var/lib/neo4j/certificates/neo4j.key

  • Restart neo4j

anirudh@prok:~# /var/lib/neo4j/bin/neo4j restart
Stopping Neo4j.. stopped
Starting Neo4j.
WARNING: Max 1024 open files allowed, minimum of 40000 recommended.  See the Neo4j manual.
Started neo4j (pid 17608). By default, it is available at  https://your-domain:7473/
There may be a short delay until the server is ready.
See /var/lib/neo4j/logs/neo4j.log for current status.

This should run it for you. Hope this helps!