const char* and char const* - are they the same?

Actually, according to the standard, const modifies the element directly to its left. The use of const at the beginning of a declaration is just a convenient mental shortcut. So the following two statements are equivalent:

char const * pointerToConstantContent1;
const char * pointerToConstantContent2;

In order to ensure the pointer itself is not modified, const should be placed after the asterisk:

char * const constantPointerToMutableContent;

To protect both the pointer and the content to which it points, use two consts.

char const * const constantPointerToConstantContent;

I've personally adopted always putting the const after the portion I intend not to modify such that I maintain consistency even when the pointer is the part I wish to keep constant.

It works because both are same. May be you confused in this,

const char*  // both are same
char const*


char* const  // unmutable pointer to "char"


const char* const  // unmutable pointer to "const char"

[To remember this, here is a simple rule, '*' affects its whole LHS first]

That is because the rule is:

RULE: const binds left, unless there is nothing on the left, then it binds right :)

so, look at these as:

(const --->> char)*
(char <<--- const)*

both same! oh, and --->> and <<--- are NOT operators, they just show what the const binds to.

(from 2 simple variable initialization question)

A really good rule of thumb regarding const:

Read Declarations Right-to-Left.

(see Vandevoorde/Josutiss "C++ Templates: The Complete Guide")


int const x; // x is a constant int
const int x; // x is an int which is const

// easy. the rule becomes really useful in the following:
int const * const p; // p is const-pointer to const-int
int const &p;        // p is a reference to const-int
int * const * p;     // p is a pointer to const-pointer to int.

Ever since I follow this rule-of-thumb, I never misinterpreted such declarations again.

(: sisab retcarahc-rep a no ton ,sisab nekot-rep a no tfel-ot-thgir naem I hguohT :tidE

Here is how I always try to interpret:

char *p

     |_____ start from the asterisk. The above declaration is read as: "content of `p` is a `char`".

char * const p

     |_____ again start from the asterisk. "content of constant (since we have the `const` 
            modifier in the front) `p` is a `char`".

char const *p

           |_____ again start from the asterisk. "content of `p` is a constant `char`".

Hope it helps!