TeamViewer doesn't catch Alt+Tab in Linux Mint (Mate)

Solution 1:

I found a solution by chance (but I've since switched to Lubuntu):

Alt+WinKey+Tab works! It's a bit cumbersome shortcut, but it's better than nothing. But I've tested it only on Lubuntu (which uses Openbox as the window manager). Still, I think it should work on MATE too.

Solution 2:

From marco's Github page:

 - Global keybinding defaults include:

    Alt-Tab                forward cycle window focus
    Alt-Shift-Tab          backward cycle focus
    Alt-Ctrl-Tab           forward cycle focus among panels
    Alt-Ctrl-Shift-Tab     backward cycle focus among panels
    Alt-Escape             cycle window focus without a popup thingy
    Ctrl-Alt-Left Arrow    previous workspace
    Ctrl-Alt-Right Arrow   next workspace
    Ctrl-Alt-D             minimize/unminimize all, to show desktop

   Change keybindings for example:

     gsettings set switch_to_workspace_1 'F1'

   Also try the MATE keyboard shortcuts control panel.

   See marco.schemas for all available bindings.

So you could either use gsettings to change the shortcut for cycle_windows or use dconf-editor to do the same using a GUI. To use dconf-editor, run:

sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

The key bindings you'll need to change should be under:

org → mate → Marco → global-keybindings