ClipIt: how to use actions?

I have ClipIt 1.4.2 and in the preferences, I can define actions, but I have no idea how to use them. It talks about clicking on the ClipIt icon with control key pressed, but if I click on the icon (in the top of the screen) with control key or without does not make a difference.

(ubuntu 16.04 with unity)

In ClipIt preferences you can define your own actions (in "Actions" tab). Everything you define in "Command" section of an action is executed in system.

For example if you define action:
Action: popup
Command: zenity --info --text "%s"
On action execution you should get popup with your text from clipboard (if zenity is installed in your system, which is installed by default in Ubuntu now).

Other example:
Action: add_texts
Command: clipit "text before %s text after"
It will copy to your clipboard actual clipboard content enclosed with "text before" and "text after" texts.

A really fast way to get acquainted with clipit is to just see what documentation it brings:

man clipit

but one way you can get started is to acctually start the program:

clipit &

then you will notice a new icon in your tray (left most icon):

enter image description here

if you now Right-Click on it you will see the Preferences Item, from there you can customize the program to your needs, it works the way you tell it to.