Choppy font rendering on Windows Chrome

So this was supposed to be fixed with Directwrite in Chrome 37, but unfortunately I think I am one of a very few people, if not the only one who it actually backfired on. My fonts were perfectly fine for months up until a few days ago when I believe I must have received the update.

The first time I had this problem, my solution, which worked even though it was strange was to delete the google fonts from my computer (they were installed so I could use them with microsoft word). This time no luck, they are still uninstalled from my computer.

Any ideas?

This post describes perfectly my problem:

The only issue is that the article claims the problem is gone! But mine just arrived, pretty much the same day. I cannot confirm the exact day I received the problem because I was traveling :(

Thanks for any answers.

Solution 1:

Ok found the answer and its a lot simpler than you would think. You need to go to:

Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Display -> Adjust ClearType text -> Enable

You will then calibrate your screen and restart chrome and everything will be better! I must have had this enabled and maybe a windows update or graphics card update changed my settings. Good luck to any others who have this problem.

Solution 2:

Since Chrome vs 52 Google uses DirectWrite exclusively for font rendering on Windows, which may create font rendering issues for some of you. This is how you can fix the problem with the font display in Chrome: