Use Browser Search (Ctrl+F) through a button in website?

I have created a website and have added a button and lot of text. What I want is to use the browser search (Ctrl+F), when I press the button which I added in website.

How can I achieve this?

Solution 1:

It kind of works for FF. See this page

 <a href="#" onclick="find();">Find in This Page...</a>

Solution 2:

update: from mark's comment:

From my testing window.find() is supported in Chrome 37, and FF31, but not IE11


for more information on this window.find go here

Solution 3:

No. In general, you cannot invoke browser controls from inside the webpage - security, sandboxing, and all that.

You need to make some sort of in-page search - if you're using a CMS, most of them have a simple search feature built-in.

If you want to do this in JavaScript, there are various scripts that emulate this in-page; randomly selected from my query "javascript find in page" is this one: