How do I configure the <Super>D keybinding in Xfce to show desktop?

How can I get the Super-D key binding in Xfce desktop? The Start+d is not working and invoking the Whisker menu but not showing the desktop. I tried changing, in the shortcuts, from Ctrl+alt+D to Start+D but that still doesn't work.

This works well in Cinnamon when the Super key is pressed, the menu appears, and for Start+d it just works like in Windows.

What could be the reason, if it works in Cinnamon, it couldn't also work in Xfce?

You can change the shortcuts that handle the window manager by opening Window Manager from Settings > Window Manager, Keyboard tab.

  • Scroll down until you see Show desktop, (default Ctrl+Alt+D)
  • Click to select the row, and press Edit Window Manager
  • Press the desired keyboard keys combination on Window Manager Action Shortcut popup window (Super+D in your case).
    Window Manager Action Shortcut
  • Click Close.

This way Show desktop will be triggered by Super+D.

I've had the same problem in Linux Mint 18 Xfce.

I've solved it with the solution in the answers of this link:

A script using the command «wmctrl -k on» and «wmctrl -k off»

if xprop -root  _NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP|egrep '= 1' ; then
      wmctrl -k off ;
      wmctrl -k on ;

You can create a shortcut to the script in the keyboard settings.

TL;DR Just take a look at the pictures below.

For cute sloths like myself, here goes a much longer explanation. It's 2021 now and I've just encountered this very same issue. I've tried all the variants suggested here in all the answers and comments posted here before mine and nothing helped me (including editing the XML config file and restarting X and PC after that). But I've noticed one thing in the user12458's answer. It's called xfconf. So I went to (which is hard not to notice on Google's search result page) and I saw these three things there:

  • Configuration Storage System (xfconf) – D-Bus-based configuration storage system
  • Settings Manager (xfce4-settings) – The Settings daemon which persists many Xfce settings
  • Settings Editor – Editor that allows to modify all the various setting channels (xfce4-settings-editor)

You can open Settings Editor by typing xfce4-settings-editor in a terminal or as simple as it's shown on the picture below (it's the last one on the list): enter image description here

To add Super-D shortcut for the Xfce window manager, you need to choose xfce4-keyboard-shortcut channel in the left pane, then scroll down the right pane till you see the xfwm4 property and the custom property below it. Left-click on any item below custom and then click New button in the bottom part of the Settings Editor window. Take a look at another picture here: enter image description here

In the Property box append <Super>d to the string /xfwm4/custom/ that will be already there. Choose String for the Type box and write (or copy-paste from here) show_desktop_key to the Value box. Press Save button. The property editing dialog box should disappear now and your shortcut should be activated immediately after.