Hyper-V Containers are going to allow running of Linux Containers?

Solution 1:

Linux Containers on Windows (lcow) now is available on Windows Server, version 1709. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/windowscontainers/deploy-containers/linux-containers.

I have created a blog post regarding to this topic here: https://chunliu.me/2018/02/12/running-linux-containers-on-windows-server-2016/. Hope it helps.

Solution 2:

This is the best resource I could find on the issue.

You can use the latest beta of Docker for Windows to use the experimental feature that allows you to switch between Linux and Windows containers on Windows 10 Anniversary systems (and Win Server 2k16 servers, I'm assuming but haven't tested).

Basically, you will need to use use the proxy that the Docker for Windows app provides to switch between Linux and Windows.

& 'C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\DockerCli.exe' -SwitchDaemon

I don't believe there is another, native way to switch between Linux and Windows containers currently.