How to import a GIT non-Eclipse Java project into Eclipse?

Solution 1:

It is possible by first cloning the repository and then creating a General project based on that. Then you can convert it to Java project. Here is how:

  • First go to File>Import...>Projects from GIT.
  • In the Select a Git Repository view you first press Clone. And follow instructions. This will create a local "checkout" of the repository to your computer. You can set the folder to be your workspace so it looks like any other of your eclipse projects.
  • After you have cloned the repository you get back to Import-view. Now you can select the repository you just cloned from the list.
  • Click Next and select Import as General Project. Now you have a git repository to eclipse.
  • Convert it to Java project: Add nature and buildCommand elements from other Java project to your .project file:

Relevant sections from .project:


Then from Project>Properties>Java Build Path>Source add your source folders (and possible libraries).

Edit: Added the conversion to Java project.

Solution 2:

With Git (especially EGit) your 2 best options are:

1) Create a java project in eclipse, and then create a linked folder to where the source lives in your git repository (mentioned by @mattb). I don't think EGit will connect to your git repo easily in this mode, but your eclipse specific project files will be in a different location than your source tree.

2) Create your java project and let it point to the external git repo (which you mentioned). It will create a .project and .classpath file where your source lives. Then using Team>Share Project will allow you to connect EGit to the already existing git repo.

Option 2 (which I use) allows the tools to work with java projects in a git repo reliably.

Solution 3:

May not be applicable to your project but if you are using Maven in the project, you can import it as Maven Project from Eclipse if you have m2e installed, this way all the needed files like .project, .classpath will be generated. I think that is a good approach because if your pom.xml is well-written, it can contain all the needed information about the project such as build target directory, classpath, java version etc., and it will probably work with most of the populer IDEs.

I suggest to get used to use Maven on every java project, even for a simple hello world application because I see it as some sort of "standardization" for Java projects.