Creating a PHP header/footer

Solution 1:

Besides just using include() or include_once() to include the header and footer, one thing I have found useful is being able to have a custom page title or custom head tags to be included for each page, yet still have the header in a partial include. I usually accomplish this as follows:

In the site pages:


$PageTitle="New Page Title";

function customPageHeader(){?>
  <!--Arbitrary HTML Tags-->
<?php }


//body contents go here


And, in the header.php file:

<!doctype html>
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title><?= isset($PageTitle) ? $PageTitle : "Default Title"?></title>
    <!-- Additional tags here -->
    <?php if (function_exists('customPageHeader')){

Maybe a bit beyond the scope of your original question, but it is useful to allow a bit more flexibility with the include.

Solution 2:

Just create the header.php file, and where you want to use it do:


Same with the footer. You don't need php tags in these files if you just have html.

See more about include here: