If I remember correctly, you should be able to install Ubuntu into Boot Camp, and then virtualize it using Parallels Desktop. Works great with Windows; most likely with Ubuntu as well.

I also wanted to run ubuntu native on my iMac and could not figure it out for the longest time. I refused to use virtualization software. Took a look at ubuntu's website and the instructions it provides work the best for me.

First make bootable Ubuntu USB Stick


Restart your computer.

Hold down Option ⌥ when chime sounds.

Select your installation method (i.e.: install Ubuntu along side OS X)

  • installing Ubuntu as dual boot with OS X
  • running OS X from within Ubuntu:

    • install VirtualBox
    • add yourself to disk group: sudo usermod -G disk,vboxusers -a `whoami`
    • create a virtual disk pointing to your real disk

    VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ~/.VirtualBox/OSX.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/sda -partitions 2 -relative (if your OS X is not on /dev/sda2, change disk and partition number accordingly)

    • create a virtual machine with system OS X 64-bit, with the disk pointing to virtual disk you've just created
    • you're ready to launch