Describing the absence of equality or competitiveness

Situation: talking about a president of a country. Only the incumbent one is okay. All other candidates are either too inexperienced or are simply stupid.

Question: How to describe this situation?

1) At the present moment I don't see anyone equal to him

2) At the present moment I don't see any adequate counterpart for him

3) At the present moment I don't see any right substitute for him

4) At the present moment I don't see any proper replacement for him

5) At the present moment I don't see any prospective successor to him

What's the right way?

Solution 1:

One might also refer to “no worthy opponents”, “no significant challengers”, or “no plausible opposition”, besides previous suggestions.

Note, a previous answer hinted at replacing the loquacious “At the present moment” by presently or by currently. Any of currently, at the moment, at present will work as a replacement. Some people might use presently but others will object to it because presently is commonly used by different people in different senses: “At the present time; now; currently”, versus “Before long; soon”, which is to say, not now, not at present, but at some future time.

Solution 2:

In that particular situation, I'd say he has no viable opponents.

Solution 3:

I would use "Presently" rather than "At the present mopment" - or "Currently" perhaps.

"Presently, he has no equal amongst his opponents" or, rearranging, "No one else [standing] is currently equal to the task"

or as Kevin said "He has no viable opponents"/"He is without viable opposition"