DRBD on raw disk block device

drbdadm attach data isn't the only command you want to be using after creating the metadata.

One of the following procedures should work for getting your device up:

drbdadm create-md data
drbdadm up data

-- or --

drbdadm create-md data
drbdsetup-84 new-resource data
drbdsetup-84 new-minor data 1 0 
drbdmeta 1 v08 /dev/sdb internal apply-al 
drbdsetup-84 attach 1 /dev/sdb /dev/sdb internal
drbdsetup-84 connect data ipv4: ipv4: --protocol=C

Once you've done that, you'll have a device with a connection state of "Connected" and a disk state of "Inconsistent/ Inconsistent"; this will always/ only be the case after you create brand new meta-data on both nodes.

From there, simply pick one node to promote to Primary, which will cause DRBD to sync from Primary => Secondary:

# drbdadm primary data --force 

You should never under normal circumstances need to use --force to promote your DRBD device from here on out.

However, you also said:

As this disk is virtual and hypervisor I use allow on-the-fly disk extension, I do not want to bother with LVM operations or re-partitioning when comes time to extend my DRBD file system

That probably isn't going to work with DRBD. DRBD puts it's metadata at the end of the block device, and in that metadata the number of blocks (and other things) are tracked. Dynamically extending the backing block device is likely going to cause problems for you.

In the very specific case of Debian DRBD package, there is no need to operate "attach data".

Here is the minimal sequence to get DRBD up and running with Debian:

  • Create your ressource file /etc/drbd.d/data.res on both nodes, typically to define /dev/drbd1 (remind this volume number 1 for clear bitmap operation!)
  • Invoke drbdadm create-md data on both nodes
  • Start service on both nodes, they should wait for each other to be ready: systemctl start drbd.service
  • Confirm Connected state with drbdadm cstate data. If not, do not go further until any service startup or network connectivity issue is solved.
  • On primary node only, clear bitmap to prevent useless initial synchronization: drbdadm -- --clear-bitmap new-current-uuid data/1 (mind last parameter: resourceName/volumeNumber)
  • On primary node only, promote node as primary: drbdadm primary data

From that point, on primary node, /dev/drbd1 device is available for any regular block operations like blockdev or mkfs.

Trigger clear bitmap operation with care, it makes any data on secondary node unrecoverable. By the way, it is really convenient for initial setup as it prevents your secondary node storage to be fully written for hours, enforcing your virtualization layer to allocate blocks on storage, which is annoying for thin provisioning.