How to handle Handler messages when activity/fragment is paused

Slight variation on my other posting

Basically I have a message Handler in my Fragment which receives a bunch of messages that can result in dialogs being dismissed or shown.

When the app is put into the background I get an onPause but then still get my messages coming through as one would expect. However, because I'm using fragments I can't just dismiss and show dialogs as that will result in an IllegalStateException.

I can't just dismiss or cancel allowing state loss.

Given that I have a Handler I'm wondering whether there is a recommended approach as to how I should handle messages while in a paused state.

One possible solution I'm considering is to record the messages coming through while paused and play them back on an onResume. This is somewhat unsatisfactory and I'm thinking that there must be something in the framework to handle this more elegantly.

Although the Android operating system does not appear to have a mechanism that sufficiently addresses your problem I believe this pattern does provide a relatively simple to implement workaround.

The following class is a wrapper around android.os.Handler that buffers up messages when an activity is paused and plays them back on resume.

Ensure any code that you have which asynchronously changes a fragment state (e.g. commit, dismiss) is only called from a message in the handler.

Derive your handler from the PauseHandler class.

Whenever your activity receives an onPause() call PauseHandler.pause() and for onResume() call PauseHandler.resume().

Replace your implementation of the Handler handleMessage() with processMessage().

Provide a simple implementation of storeMessage() which always returns true.

 * Message Handler class that supports buffering up of messages when the
 * activity is paused i.e. in the background.
public abstract class PauseHandler extends Handler {

     * Message Queue Buffer
    final Vector<Message> messageQueueBuffer = new Vector<Message>();

     * Flag indicating the pause state
    private boolean paused;

     * Resume the handler
    final public void resume() {
        paused = false;

        while (messageQueueBuffer.size() > 0) {
            final Message msg = messageQueueBuffer.elementAt(0);

     * Pause the handler
    final public void pause() {
        paused = true;

     * Notification that the message is about to be stored as the activity is
     * paused. If not handled the message will be saved and replayed when the
     * activity resumes.
     * @param message
     *            the message which optional can be handled
     * @return true if the message is to be stored
    protected abstract boolean storeMessage(Message message);

     * Notification message to be processed. This will either be directly from
     * handleMessage or played back from a saved message when the activity was
     * paused.
     * @param message
     *            the message to be handled
    protected abstract void processMessage(Message message);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    final public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
        if (paused) {
            if (storeMessage(msg)) {
                Message msgCopy = new Message();
        } else {

Below is a simple example of how the PausedHandler class can be used.

On the click of a button a delayed message is sent to the handler.

When the handler receives the message (on the UI thread) it displays a DialogFragment.

If the PausedHandler class was not being used an IllegalStateException would be shown if the home button was pressed after pressing the test button to launch the dialog.

public class FragmentTestActivity extends Activity {

     * Used for "what" parameter to handler messages
    final static int MSG_WHAT = ('F' << 16) + ('T' << 8) + 'A';
    final static int MSG_SHOW_DIALOG = 1;

    int value = 1;

    final static class State extends Fragment {

        static final String TAG = "State";
         * Handler for this activity
        public ConcreteTestHandler handler = new ConcreteTestHandler();

        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        public void onResume() {


        public void onPause() {


        public void onDestroy() {

     * 2 second delay
    final static int DELAY = 2000;

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        if (savedInstanceState == null) {
            final Fragment state = new State();
            final FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager();
            final FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction();
            ft.add(state, State.TAG);

        final Button button = (Button) findViewById(;

        button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {

                final FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager();
                State fragment = (State) fm.findFragmentByTag(State.TAG);
                if (fragment != null) {
                    // Send a message with a delay onto the message looper
                            fragment.handler.obtainMessage(MSG_WHAT, MSG_SHOW_DIALOG, value++),

    public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle bundle) {

     * Simple test dialog fragment
    public static class TestDialog extends DialogFragment {

        int value;

         * Fragment Tag
        final static String TAG = "TestDialog";

        public TestDialog() {

        public TestDialog(int value) {
            this.value = value;

        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
                Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            final View inflatedView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.dialog, container, false);
            TextView text = (TextView) inflatedView.findViewById(;
            text.setText(getString(R.string.count, value));
            return inflatedView;

     * Message Handler class that supports buffering up of messages when the
     * activity is paused i.e. in the background.
    static class ConcreteTestHandler extends PauseHandler {

         * Activity instance
        protected Activity activity;

         * Set the activity associated with the handler
         * @param activity
         *            the activity to set
        final void setActivity(Activity activity) {
            this.activity = activity;

        final protected boolean storeMessage(Message message) {
            // All messages are stored by default
            return true;

        final protected void processMessage(Message msg) {

            final Activity activity = this.activity;
            if (activity != null) {
                switch (msg.what) {

                case MSG_WHAT:
                    switch (msg.arg1) {
                    case MSG_SHOW_DIALOG:
                        final FragmentManager fm = activity.getFragmentManager();
                        final TestDialog dialog = new TestDialog(msg.arg2);

                        // We are on the UI thread so display the dialog
                        // fragment
              , TestDialog.TAG);

I've added a storeMessage() method to the PausedHandler class in case any messages should be processed immediately even when the activity is paused. If a message is handled then false should be returned and the message will be discarded.

A slightly simpler version of quickdraw's excellent PauseHandler is

 * Message Handler class that supports buffering up of messages when the activity is paused i.e. in the background.
public abstract class PauseHandler extends Handler {

     * Message Queue Buffer
    private final List<Message> messageQueueBuffer = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Message>());

     * Flag indicating the pause state
    private Activity activity;

     * Resume the handler.
    public final synchronized void resume(Activity activity) {
        this.activity = activity;

        while (messageQueueBuffer.size() > 0) {
            final Message msg = messageQueueBuffer.get(0);

     * Pause the handler.
    public final synchronized void pause() {
        activity = null;

     * Store the message if we have been paused, otherwise handle it now.
     * @param msg   Message to handle.
    public final synchronized void handleMessage(Message msg) {
        if (activity == null) {
            final Message msgCopy = new Message();
        } else {
            processMessage(activity, msg);

     * Notification message to be processed. This will either be directly from
     * handleMessage or played back from a saved message when the activity was
     * paused.
     * @param activity  Activity owning this Handler that isn't currently paused.
     * @param message   Message to be handled
    protected abstract void processMessage(Activity activity, Message message);


It does assume that you always want to store offline messages for replay. And provides the Activity as input to #processMessages so you don't need to manage it in the sub class.

Here is a slightly different way to approach the problem of doing Fragment commits in a callback function and avoiding the IllegalStateException issue.

First create a custom runnable interface.

public interface MyRunnable {
    void run(AppCompatActivity context);

Next, create a fragment for processing the MyRunnable objects. If the MyRunnable object was created after the Activity was paused, for e.g. if the screen is rotated, or the user presses the home button, it is put in a queue for later processing with a new context. The queue survives any configuration changes because setRetain instance is set to true. The method runProtected runs on UI thread to avoid a race condition with the isPaused flag.

public class PauseHandlerFragment extends Fragment {

    private AppCompatActivity context;
    private boolean isPaused = true;
    private Vector<MyRunnable> buffer = new Vector<>();

    public void onAttach(Context context) {
        this.context = (AppCompatActivity)context;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    public void onPause() {
        isPaused = true;

    public void onResume() {
        isPaused = false;

    private void playback() {
        while (buffer.size() > 0) {
            final MyRunnable runnable = buffer.elementAt(0);
            new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    //execute run block, providing new context, incase 
                    //Android re-creates the parent activity
    public final void runProtected(final MyRunnable runnable) {
        context.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                if(isPaused) {
                } else {

Finally, the fragment may be used in a main application as follows:

public class SomeActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements SomeListener {
    PauseHandlerFragment mPauseHandlerFragment;

    static class Storyboard {
        public static String PAUSE_HANDLER_FRAGMENT_TAG = "phft";

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



        //register pause handler 
        FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
        mPauseHandlerFragment = (PauseHandlerFragment) fm.
        if(mPauseHandlerFragment == null) {
            mPauseHandlerFragment = new PauseHandlerFragment();
                .add(mPauseHandlerFragment, Storyboard.PAUSE_HANDLER_FRAGMENT_TAG)


    // part of SomeListener interface
    public void OnCallback(final String data) {
        mPauseHandlerFragment.runProtected(new MyRunnable() {
            public void run(AppCompatActivity context) {
                //this block of code should be protected from IllegalStateException
                FragmentManager fm = context.getSupportFragmentManager();