Comparizon between text editors in Ubuntu: Vim vs. Emacs vs. Nano [closed]

I was wondering the difference between these text editors and which is best used with Ubuntu?

What are each of them good for? Are there better ones?

Solution 1:

I love Vim. It's so powerful and effective and perfect in every way. However, most of the time I just use gedit, because I'm not as powerful and effective as Vim.

Solution 2:

Nano is the easiest to use and learn. A lot of people will swear by Vim and Emacs but Nano is a very good text editor. Nano is good for editing a config file but if you are going to program you'll be better off using Vim or Emacs. Nano supports highlighting. But this is very subjective.

Everyone is going to have their favorite editors for some reason. Find the one that you like the best and use it.

Solution 3:

Simple answer is ...

Nano is a simple text editor.

Emacs is a full fledged text editor with features for programming. This one is usually easier to learn but is still confusing. This is because advanced features are key combinations like crtl + e (goto end of line).

Vim is like Emacs only it uses a much different form of input. Vim is modal meaning that each key means something different in a different mode.

Basically, Nano is for normal users. Emacs and Vim are for programmers. Take your pick (I'm not taking Vim vs Emacs side for this post lol)

Solution 4:

Vim can be found on virtually any Linux system, including your embedded devices. It's also very powerful (once you've learned how to use it).