a = (a++) * (a++) gives strange results in Java [closed]

I'm studying for the OCPJP exam, and so I have to understand every little strange detail of Java. This includes the order in which the pre- and post-increment operators apply to variables. The following code is giving me strange results:

int a = 3;

a = (a++) * (a++);

System.out.println(a); // 12

Shouldn't the answer be 11? Or maybe 13? But not 12!


What is the result of the following code?

int a = 3;

a += (a++) * (a++);


Solution 1:

After the first a++ a becomes 4. So you have 3 * 4 = 12.

(a becomes 5 after the 2nd a++, but that is discarded, because the assignment a = overrides it)

Solution 2:

Your statement:

a += (a++) * (a++);

is equivalent to any of those:

a = a*a + 2*a
a = a*(a+2)
a += a*(a+1)

Use any of those instead.

Solution 3:

a++ means 'the value of a, and a is then incremented by 1'. So when you run

(a++) * (a++)

the first a++ is evaluated first, and produces the value 3. a is then incremented by 1. The second a++ is then evaluated. a produces the value of 4, and is then incremented again (but this doesn't matter now)

So this turns into

a = 3 * 4

which equals 12.