Display Float as String with at Least 1 Decimal Place

I want to display a float as a string while making sure to display at least one decimal place. If there are more decimals I would like those displayed.

For example: 1 should be displayed as 1.0 1.2345 should display as 1.2345

Can someone help me with the format string?

Solution 1:

Use ToString(".0###########") with as much # as decimals you want.

Solution 2:

This solution is similar to what other are saying, but I prefer to use string.Format. For example:

float myFloat1 = 1.4646573654;
float myFloat2 = 5;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Number 1 : {0:0.00##}", myFloat1));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Number 2 : {0:0.00##}", myFloat2));

// Newer Syntax

This would produce :

Number 1 : 1.4646
Number 2 : 5.00
Number 1 : 1.4646
Number 2 : 5.00

Solution 3:

Try this:


And, for your reference (double ToString method): http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/kfsatb94.aspx