Where are the LXDE sound preferences?

I'm confused,how can I change the sound output in LXDE? There's not even a single option anywhere unlike other environments.

I've tried doing anything with alsamixerbut still nothing, the output device is the HDMI audio of a Radeon HD card.

Edit: As it Turns out i was able to change the ouput device, but i had to use Gnome for that and its Gnome Sound applet, that is log out and log in once in Gnome change the device, log out and log back in LXDE.

Now the question becomes Why can't i do this in LXDE?


Lubuntu shares many components with XFCE. My suggestion would be to use the XFCE4-Mixer. This still gives you a lightweight solution compatible with the lxde ethos.

enter image description here

to install

sudo apt-get install xfce4-mixer gstreamer0.10-alsa

This installs the following limited number of xfce packages -

exo-utils libgarcon-1-0 libgarcon-common libwnck-common libwnck22 libxres1
  xfce4-mixer xfce4-panel

to run

type xfce4-mixer in a lxterminal

In Options Auto-Mute Mode

It should be set as Disabled.

xfce - Auto Mute Option


Slightly more heavyweight - you could install pulseaudio and thus use the pulseaudio packages such as pavucontrol

enter image description here

to install

sudo apt-get install pulseaudio pavucontrol

This installs the following pulseaudio packages:

gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio libasound2-plugins libspeexdsp1
  pulseaudio-esound-compat pulseaudio-module-x11 pulseaudio-utils rtkit

to run

type pavucontrol in a lxterminal

First of all, try lspci and lsusb to check if the device you need is seen by the system.

Secondly in alsamixer try pressing F6, which will let you choose the sound card (I really don't know if this is needed tbh).

And another tip for alsamixer: it doesn't show all parameters when u start it, some are hidden on the right so you just have to go to the right to see them all, I believe there is an output chooser. And also in alsa see if you are viewing the needed items (F5 will show all parameters available).

Hope this helps.