How can I adjust only the vertical mouse sensitivity in Windows?

I've had a cheap Logitech M215 wireless mouse for years now. It still works perfectly.

For my laptop, I've purchased a couple additional mouses- both Logitech- expecting the same performance. The problem: the vertical sensitivity is awkward on both. Sensitivity along the x-axis is great, but sensitivity along the y-axis is slow to the point that I hate using them. (This problem repeats itself on my desktop PC.)

I know how to adjust the pointer speed in Windows, but I'm not looking to scale both axes- just the y-axis. There's apparently a way to do this in Ubuntu, and I've scoured lots of forums asking essentially the same question I'm asking now, to no avail. This question has even been asked here, but the comments weren't any help.

Does anyone know of a way to do this within Windows 8.1? I'm comfortable with making whatever registry changes/downloading whichever software might help.

Solution 1:

Here's an option that's not perfect, but it helps. It was originally provided by the user Nextron at

This script gives you leeway to modify X and Y sensitivity independently on Windows, and it works with all mouses and all versions of windows. It's not perfect in that you must use integer multiples of sensitivity, and it operates by multiplying mouse movement pulses.

  1. Install autohotkey.
  2. Modify the below autohotkey script. Where it says new MouseAccelerator(0, 1), change that to new MouseAccelerator (<amount to multiply X sensitivity by> - 1, <amount to multiply Y sensitivity by> - 1). E.g. MouseAccelerator(0, 1) doubles Y movement but does not affect X movement, MouseAccelerator(2, 1) triples horizontal movement and doubles vertical movement, etc.
  3. Run the modified script. Hit F12 when you want to shut it down.

    ;The SendInput DllCall is specifically 32-bit. So check for the correct bitness of AutoHotkey and if not, try to run the right one.
    If (A_PtrSize=8){
        SplitPath, A_AhkPath,,Dir
        Run %Dir%\AutoHotkeyU32.exe %A_ScriptFullPath%
    ;Call below to accelerate the mouse input. The first two parameters are the integer factors of artificial amplification added on top of the physical input.
    ;The first is for horizontal/x-axis movement, the second for vertical/y-axis movement.
    new MouseAccelerator(0, 1)
    ; Gets called when mouse moves or stops
    ; x and y are DELTA moves (Amount moved since last message), NOT coordinates.
    MouseAcceleratorEvent(x := 0, y := 0, accelerationx := 2, accelerationy := 2){
        static MouseAcceleratorPaused
        If !(MouseAcceleratorPaused){
            VarSetCapacity( MouseInput, 28, 0 )
            NumPut( x * accelerationx, MouseInput, 4, "Int" ) ; dx
            NumPut( y * accelerationy, MouseInput, 8, "Int" ) ; dy
            NumPut( 0x0001, MouseInput, 16, "UInt" ) ; MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE = 0x0001
            DllCall("SendInput", "UInt", 1, "UInt", &MouseInput, "Int", 28 )
    ; ================================== LIBRARY ========================================
    ; Instantiate this class and pass it a func name or a Function Object
    ; The specified function will be called with the delta move for the X and Y axes
    ; Normally, there is no windows message "mouse stopped", so one is simulated.
    ; After 10ms of no mouse movement, the callback is called with 0 for X and Y
    Class MouseAccelerator {
        __New(accelerationx:=2, accelerationy:=2, callback:="MouseAcceleratorEvent"){
            static DevSize := 8 + A_PtrSize
            static RIDEV_INPUTSINK := 0x00000100
            this.TimeoutFn := this.TimeoutFunc.Bind(this)
            this.Callback := callback
            this.Accelerationx := accelerationx
            this.Accelerationy := accelerationy
            ; Register mouse for WM_INPUT messages.
            VarSetCapacity(RAWINPUTDEVICE, DevSize)
            NumPut(1, RAWINPUTDEVICE, 0, "UShort")
            NumPut(2, RAWINPUTDEVICE, 2, "UShort")
            NumPut(RIDEV_INPUTSINK, RAWINPUTDEVICE, 4, "Uint")
            ; WM_INPUT needs a hwnd to route to, so get the hwnd of the AHK Gui.
            ; It doesn't matter if the GUI is showing, it still exists
            Gui +hwndhwnd
            NumPut(hwnd, RAWINPUTDEVICE, 8, "Uint")
            DllCall("RegisterRawInputDevices", "Ptr", &RAWINPUTDEVICE, "UInt", 1, "UInt", DevSize )
            fn := this.MouseMoved.Bind(this)
            OnMessage(0x00FF, fn)
            static RIDEV_REMOVE := 0x00000001
            static DevSize := 8 + A_PtrSize
            NumPut(RIDEV_REMOVE, RAWINPUTDEVICE, 4, "Uint")
            DllCall("RegisterRawInputDevices", "Ptr", &RAWINPUTDEVICE, "UInt", 1, "UInt", DevSize )
        ; Called when the mouse moved.
        ; Messages tend to contain small (+/- 1) movements, and happen frequently (~20ms)
        MouseMoved(wParam, lParam){
            ; RawInput statics
            static DeviceSize := 2 * A_PtrSize, iSize := 0, sz := 0, offsets := {x: (20+A_PtrSize*2), y: (24+A_PtrSize*2)}, uRawInput
            static axes := {x: 1, y: 2}
            ; Find size of rawinput data - only needs to be run the first time.
            if (!iSize){
                r := DllCall("GetRawInputData", "UInt", lParam, "UInt", 0x10000003, "Ptr", 0, "UInt*", iSize, "UInt", 8 + (A_PtrSize * 2))
                VarSetCapacity(uRawInput, iSize)
            sz := iSize ; param gets overwritten with # of bytes output, so preserve iSize
            ; Get RawInput data
            r := DllCall("GetRawInputData", "UInt", lParam, "UInt", 0x10000003, "Ptr", &uRawInput, "UInt*", sz, "UInt", 8 + (A_PtrSize * 2))
            x := NumGet(&uRawInput, offsets.x, "Int")
            y := NumGet(&uRawInput, offsets.y, "Int")
            this.Callback.(x, y, this.Accelerationx, this.Accelerationy)
            ; There is no message for "Stopped", so simulate one
            fn := this.TimeoutFn
            SetTimer, % fn, -10
            this.Callback.(0, 0)

Solution 2:

I have the M310 and have been dealing with the same issue. Some people have had success by cleaning the lens with compressed air. For me, though, it was actually my mouse pad... Turn your pad 90 degrees and see if there's any effect.

Solution 3:

I want to put here the solution of my similar case. I had quite an imbalance between the vertical and horizontal sensitivities.

Finally, I've unchecked the "Enhance pointer precision" in "Mouse Properties" and regained the balance.

That was quite unclear. As I spent much time and found the solution almost by luck, I'd like to pin it here.

Solution 4:

Here is some code that can both raise AND lower sensitivity, on a per-device basis (You could lower the sensitivity of one mouse, but not affect another).
It uses RawInput (Implemented in a C# DLL for speed) and SetWindowsHookEx (Implemented in pure AHK) for the blocking.

Note that I have only recently gotten this method to work, so there may well be issues and things that can be improved. I have a thread here on the AHK forums detailing my efforts - there may well be more up-to-date or feature rich versions there.

C# code
Start new class library project, add reference to SharpDX.RawInput via NuGet DLL should be called MouseDelta.dll and needs to be in same folder.
When you build, it should spit out two SharpDX DLLs into the build folder - your script will also need these.

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SharpDX.Multimedia;
using SharpDX.RawInput;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class MouseDelta
    private readonly Thread messagePump;

    public dynamic relativeMoveCallback;
    public dynamic wheelCallback;

    static private Dictionary<IntPtr, string> seenMice = new Dictionary<IntPtr, string>();
    static private string subscribedMouse = null;

    private AutoResetEvent messagePumpRunning = new AutoResetEvent(false);

    public MouseDelta()
        // start message pump in its own thread  
        messagePump = new Thread(RunMessagePump) { Name = "ManualMessagePump" };

    public void SubscribeRelativeMove(dynamic callback, string mouseId = null)
        relativeMoveCallback = callback;

    public void SubscribeWheel(dynamic callback, string mouseId = null)
        wheelCallback = callback;

    private void SetSubscribedMouse(string mouseId)
        if (mouseId != null)
            subscribedMouse = mouseId == "0" ? null : mouseId;

    // the message pump thread  
    private void RunMessagePump()
        // Create control to handle windows messages   
        MessageHandler messageHandler = new MessageHandler();

        // Register for RawInput mouse messages
        Device.RegisterDevice(UsagePage.Generic, UsageId.GenericMouse, DeviceFlags.InputSink, messageHandler.Handle);
        Device.MouseInput += ProcessMouseInput;


    private void ProcessMouseInput(object sender, MouseInputEventArgs args)
        //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("(x,y):({0},{1}) Buttons: {2} State: {3} Wheel: {4}\r\n", args.X, args.Y, args.ButtonFlags, args.Mode, args.WheelDelta));
        // Handle mouse filtering
        if (!seenMice.ContainsKey(args.Device))
            DeviceInfo info = null;
            var devices = Device.GetDevices();
            foreach (var dev in devices)
                if (dev.Handle == args.Device)
                    info = dev;
            if (info == null)
            string item = info.DeviceName;
            item = item.Substring(4);

            string[] split = item.Split('#');

            //string id_01 = split[0];    // ACPI (Class code)
            string id_02 = split[1];    // PNP0303 (SubClass code)
                                        //string id_03 = split[2];    // 3&13c0b0c5&0 (Protocol code)

            seenMice.Add(args.Device, id_02);

        if (subscribedMouse != null && subscribedMouse != seenMice[args.Device])

        // Fire appropriate Callback
        if (args.Mode == MouseMode.MoveRelative && relativeMoveCallback != null && (Math.Abs(args.X) + Math.Abs(args.Y) > 0))
            relativeMoveCallback(args.X, args.Y, seenMice[args.Device]);
        else if (args.WheelDelta != 0 && wheelCallback != null)
            wheelCallback(args.WheelDelta / 120, seenMice[args.Device]);

// Useful SO post on handling messages - code for overriding WndProc
// Although the above code is not quite complete. This blog post has the implementation for MessageData

// However, by overriding WndProc, we have to process all messages, and then you do not get a SharpDX object..
// ... you just appear to get a raw WM_INPUT message

// For now, this seems to serve our purposes
internal class MessageHandler : NativeWindow
    public MessageHandler()
        CreateHandle(new CreateParams());

Main AHK script (You should only need to edit this)

; ================= USER SCRIPT ================
#SingleInstance force
#include CLR.ahk
#include MouseDelta.ahk
OnExit, UnhookAndClose

GoSub, Hook

Gui, Add, Text, , Select Mouse:
mdw := new MouseDeltaWrapper("x+5 yp-3 w200")
Gui, Show

    GoSub, UnHook

    hHookMouse := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL  := 14, RegisterCallback("MouseMove", "Fast"))


MoveEvent(x, y, mouseId){
    Global mdw
    if (mdw.SelectedMouse == 0 || mdw.SelectedMouse == mouseId){
        DllCall("mouse_event",uint,1,int, x ,int, y,uint,0,int,0)

WheelEvent(value, mouseId){
    ToolTip % "Wheel: " value ", ID: " mouseId

AHK Wrapper
Save as MouseDelta.ahk in same folder

; ================= WRAPPER LIBRARY ================
class MouseDeltaWrapper {
    SeenMice := {}
    SelectedMouse := 0
    MoveCallback := 0

    __New(guiOptions := "", dllPath := "MouseDelta.dll"){
        this.Callback := callback

        Gui, +HwndHwnd
        this.GuiHwnd := Hwnd

        Gui, Add, DDL, % "hwndhDDL " guiOptions, Any||
        this.hDDL := hDDL

        fn := this._UserSelectedMouse.Bind(this)
        GuiControl, +g, % this.hDDL, % fn

        asm := CLR_LoadLibrary(dllPath)
        md := asm.CreateInstance("MouseDelta")

        md.SubscribeWheel(this._WheelEvent.Bind(this)) := md


        this.MoveCallback := callback

        this.WheelCallback := callback

        GuiControlGet, mouseId, , % this.hDDL
        this.SelectedMouse := mouseId == "Any" ? 0 : mouseId
        if (this.MoveCallback != 0)
  , this.SelectedMouse)
        if (this.WheelCallback != 0)
  , this.SelectedMouse)

        GuiControl, , % this.hDDL, % mouseId

        if (!this.SeenMice.HasKey(mouseId)){
            this.SeenMice[mouseId] := 1

    _MoveEvent(x, y, mouseId){
        if (this.MoveCallback != 0 && (this.SelectedMouse == 0 || this.SelectedMouse == mouseId)){
            this.MoveCallback.Call(x, y, mouseId)

    _WheelEvent(value, mouseId){
        if (this.WheelCallback != 0 && (this.SelectedMouse == 0 || this.SelectedMouse == mouseId)){
            this.WheelCallback.Call(value, mouseId)

MouseMove(nCode, wParam, lParam)
    SetFormat, Integer, D
    If !nCode && (wParam = 0x200){
        ; Mouse movement - process
        if (NumGet(lParam+0, 12, "int")){
            ; if the LLMHF_INJECTED flag is set, this is "injected" input (Came from mouse_event)
            ; Let this input through
            Return CallNextHookEx(nCode, wParam, lParam)
        } else {
            ; Block the input
            Return 1
    } else {
        ; Other mouse message - let through
        Return CallNextHookEx(nCode, wParam, lParam)

SetWindowsHookEx(idHook, pfn)
    ;Return DllCall("SetWindowsHookEx", "int", idHook, "Uint", pfn, "Uint", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "Uint", 0), "Uint", 0)
    ;The hMod parameter must be set to NULL if the dwThreadId parameter specifies a thread created by the current process and if the hook procedure is within the code associated with the current process
    DllCall("SetWindowsHookEx", "int", idHook, "Uint", pfn, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0)

    Return DllCall("UnhookWindowsHookEx", "Uint", hHook)

CallNextHookEx(nCode, wParam, lParam, hHook = 0)
    Return DllCall("CallNextHookEx", "Uint", hHook, "int", nCode, "Uint", wParam, "Uint", lParam)

CLR Library - allows AHK to interop with C# DLLs.
Save this as CLR.ahk in same folder, or in AHK Lib folder

; ==========================================================
;                  .NET Framework Interop
; ==========================================================
;   Author:     Lexikos
;   Version:    1.2
;   Requires:   AutoHotkey_L v1.0.96+
; Modified by evilC for compatibility with AHK_H as well as AHK_L
; "null" is a reserved word in AHK_H, so did search & Replace from "null" to "_null"
CLR_LoadLibrary(AssemblyName, AppDomain=0)
    if !AppDomain
        AppDomain := CLR_GetDefaultDomain()
    e := ComObjError(0)
    Loop 1 {
        if assembly := AppDomain.Load_2(AssemblyName)
        static _null := ComObject(13,0)
        args := ComObjArray(0xC, 1),  args[0] := AssemblyName
        typeofAssembly := AppDomain.GetType().Assembly.GetType()
        if assembly := typeofAssembly.InvokeMember_3("LoadWithPartialName", 0x158, _null, _null, args)
        if assembly := typeofAssembly.InvokeMember_3("LoadFrom", 0x158, _null, _null, args)
    return assembly

CLR_CreateObject(Assembly, TypeName, Args*)
    if !(argCount := Args.MaxIndex())
        return Assembly.CreateInstance_2(TypeName, true)

    vargs := ComObjArray(0xC, argCount)
    Loop % argCount
        vargs[A_Index-1] := Args[A_Index]

    static Array_Empty := ComObjArray(0xC,0), _null := ComObject(13,0)

    return Assembly.CreateInstance_3(TypeName, true, 0, _null, vargs, _null, Array_Empty)

CLR_CompileC#(Code, References="", AppDomain=0, FileName="", CompilerOptions="")
    return CLR_CompileAssembly(Code, References, "System", "Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider", AppDomain, FileName, CompilerOptions)

CLR_CompileVB(Code, References="", AppDomain=0, FileName="", CompilerOptions="")
    return CLR_CompileAssembly(Code, References, "System", "Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeProvider", AppDomain, FileName, CompilerOptions)

CLR_StartDomain(ByRef AppDomain, BaseDirectory="")
    static _null := ComObject(13,0)
    args := ComObjArray(0xC, 5), args[0] := "", args[2] := BaseDirectory, args[4] := ComObject(0xB,false)
    AppDomain := CLR_GetDefaultDomain().GetType().InvokeMember_3("CreateDomain", 0x158, _null, _null, args)
    return A_LastError >= 0

CLR_StopDomain(ByRef AppDomain)
{   ; ICorRuntimeHost::UnloadDomain
    DllCall("SetLastError", "uint", hr := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(0+RtHst:=CLR_Start())+20*A_PtrSize), "ptr", RtHst, "ptr", ComObjValue(AppDomain))), AppDomain := ""
    return hr >= 0

; NOTE: IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO CALL THIS FUNCTION unless you need to load a specific version.
CLR_Start(Version="") ; returns ICorRuntimeHost*
    static RtHst := 0
    ; The simple method gives no control over versioning, and seems to load .NET v2 even when v4 is present:
    ; return RtHst ? RtHst : (RtHst:=COM_CreateObject("CLRMetaData.CorRuntimeHost","{CB2F6722-AB3A-11D2-9C40-00C04FA30A3E}"), DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(RtHst+0)+40),"uint",RtHst))
    if RtHst
        return RtHst
    EnvGet SystemRoot, SystemRoot
    if Version =
        Loop % SystemRoot "\Microsoft.NET\Framework" (A_PtrSize=8?"64":"") "\*", 2
            if (FileExist(A_LoopFileFullPath "\mscorlib.dll") && A_LoopFileName > Version)
                Version := A_LoopFileName
    if DllCall("mscoree\CorBindToRuntimeEx", "wstr", Version, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0
    , "ptr", CLR_GUID(CLSID_CorRuntimeHost, "{CB2F6723-AB3A-11D2-9C40-00C04FA30A3E}")
    , "ptr", CLR_GUID(IID_ICorRuntimeHost,  "{CB2F6722-AB3A-11D2-9C40-00C04FA30A3E}")
    , "ptr*", RtHst) >= 0
        DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(RtHst+0)+10*A_PtrSize), "ptr", RtHst) ; Start
    return RtHst


    static defaultDomain := 0
    if !defaultDomain
    {   ; ICorRuntimeHost::GetDefaultDomain
        if DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(0+RtHst:=CLR_Start())+13*A_PtrSize), "ptr", RtHst, "ptr*", p:=0) >= 0
            defaultDomain := ComObject(p), ObjRelease(p)
    return defaultDomain

CLR_CompileAssembly(Code, References, ProviderAssembly, ProviderType, AppDomain=0, FileName="", CompilerOptions="")
    if !AppDomain
        AppDomain := CLR_GetDefaultDomain()

    if !(asmProvider := CLR_LoadLibrary(ProviderAssembly, AppDomain))
    || !(codeProvider := asmProvider.CreateInstance(ProviderType))
    || !(codeCompiler := codeProvider.CreateCompiler())
        return 0

    if !(asmSystem := (ProviderAssembly="System") ? asmProvider : CLR_LoadLibrary("System", AppDomain))
        return 0

    ; Convert | delimited list of references into an array.
    StringSplit, Refs, References, |, %A_Space%%A_Tab%
    aRefs := ComObjArray(8, Refs0)
    Loop % Refs0
        aRefs[A_Index-1] := Refs%A_Index%

    ; Set parameters for compiler.
    prms := CLR_CreateObject(asmSystem, "System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters", aRefs)
    , prms.OutputAssembly          := FileName
    , prms.GenerateInMemory        := FileName=""
    , prms.GenerateExecutable      := SubStr(FileName,-3)=".exe"
    , prms.CompilerOptions         := CompilerOptions
    , prms.IncludeDebugInformation := true

    ; Compile!
    compilerRes := codeCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromSource(prms, Code)

    if error_count := (errors := compilerRes.Errors).Count
        error_text := ""
        Loop % error_count
            error_text .= ((e := errors.Item[A_Index-1]).IsWarning ? "Warning " : "Error ") . e.ErrorNumber " on line " e.Line ": " e.ErrorText "`n`n"
        MsgBox, 16, Compilation Failed, %error_text%
        return 0
    ; Success. Return Assembly object or path.
    return compilerRes[FileName="" ? "CompiledAssembly" : "PathToAssembly"]

    VarSetCapacity(GUID, 16, 0)
    return DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr", sGUID, "ptr", &GUID) >= 0 ? &GUID : ""