Chromium Embedded Framework MP3 support

Marshall Greenblatt (the maintainer of the Chromium Embedded Framework) addresses the lack of support for MP3 (and AAC) in Chromium and CEF in this bug report (see comment #7, copied below):

Codecs like MP3 and AAC are included in Google Chrome releases but not Chromium builds. This is because these formats are not open and require licensing. Distributing these codecs with your application without a licensing agreement may violate the law in certain countries. You should discuss with a lawyer if appropriate.


There is a way to enable MP3 support in CEF, but you'll have to modify the cef.gypi in the source distribution, regenerate the visual studio projects and rebuild.

Step by step instructions:

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There is a way to enable MP3 support in CEF, but you'll have to modify the cef.gypi in the source distribution, regenerate the visual studio projects and rebuild.

Detailed build instructions:

Enabling proprietary codecs support:

Add 'proprietary_codecs': 1 to your cef.gypi configuration so that USE_PROPRIETARY_CODECS will be defined as required by net/base/

You'll also need proper builds of the avcodec, avformat and avutil DLLs. Luckily, you can just get these from the installation directory of Google Chrome itself ($User/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/$Version).